Hello Classy People, 

A lot of Muslims all around the world fast during Ramadan, but only Moroccans serve Harira during Iftar, the first meal after the fasting period.

This traditional soup became so famous that you might find it among some menus outside Morocco. Recipes change from a family to another, but the basics remain the same. I’m so glad to share this recipe with you, so you can try it at home.

What to have?

A pot filled with 3/4 of water. 

One big spoon of butter. 

Grated onions (half 10cm bowl).

Grated tomatoes (150g).

Small pieces of meat (full 10cm bowl).

Chickpeas (half 10cm bowl). 

Lentils (1/3 10cm bowl). 

Half a celery.

You will also require rice or vermicelli (2 big spoons).

Flour (3 big spoons). 

A little spoon of yeast.

A pinch of cinnamon.




10cm bowl of parsley and coriander.

What to do?

1. Take your pot and add the water with the butter, along with the grated onions and tomatoes, the pieces of meat, the chickpeas, the lentils, and the celery. Also add saffron, cinnamon, pepper, and salt, along with half of the portions of parsley and coriander.

2. Mix everything and leave it on light fire for about 25 minutes.

3. Once the 25 minutes are over, add the rice or vermicelli to the pot and leave it on fire for another 10 minutes. 

4. After the 10 minutes, mix the flour and the yeast. Slowly add this mixture to the pot.

5. Keep mixing your soup for 15 minutes while it’s on light fire. Add the other half of parsley and coriander while doing this action.

6. Close your pot for another 5 minutes and then turn off the fire. Your Harira is ready. Serve it and enjoy. 


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